Webinar ‘November- December 1813’
On the 17th of November 2021, Museum Geelvinck and the Historical Association of Wijhe in collaboration with Bashkir State University and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization for the Development of Social and Cultural Initiatives “Center for Intercultural Partnership”, organized a webinar ‘November-December 1813’. It was dedicated to the events in 1813 and the impact of the Dutch campaign of General Alexander Count von Beckendorff as well as the role of the Russian 1st Bashkir Regiment in ending Napoleon’s rule over the Netherlands. The webinar served as the kick-off of the preparations for the international scientific conference, which is envisioned for Autumn 2023. The webinar aimed to collect the available knowledge in different countries about the events in 1813 and included keynote speakers and audience from Russia, the Netherlands, Estonia, Germany, France, the UK, the USA, and Canada. On this page, you can find the webinar participant’s papers as well as the recording of their presentations. Moreover, you can find more information about the background of the events in 1813 here, more information about the webinar here and the program of the webinar here.

Welcome by the host, Dr. Jurn Buisman, director of Museum Geelvinck
The message of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bashkortostan, H.E. Mrs. Amina Schafikova, read by Mrs. Valentina Latipova, former Vice-Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan and coordinator of the cooperation project Bashkortostan-Netherlands
Introduction of the conference theme by dr. Jurn Buisman
The role of the 1e Bashkir Regiment in the Dutch Campaign. Keynote speaker: Dr. Ramil Rakhimov – Candidate of Science Institute, Head of the Department of Russian History, Historiography and Source Study, Bashkir State University (Ufa).
‘Chat with Goethe. Recitating “Divan” in Social Media’- Dr. Gabriele Ziethen- Aauthor and visiting professor (Germany)
How, with help of the Bashkirs, Blücher’s Army crossed the Rhine’ – Dr. Irek Baischew- Initiator of the memorial for the Bashkir casualties at the Battle of Nations in Leipzig, 1813
‘The findings of an archaeological field search in Wijhe’- Jasper Vosselman- archeologist RAAP
‘Major-General Alexander von Benckendorff – Liberator of the Netherlands from French Rule’. Keynote speaker: Prof. Dr. Alla Namazova- Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
‘The role of Emperor Alexander I of Russia in the liberation of the Netherlands and his letters’- Yuri Bavykin- historian and author
‘A Russian perspective on the history of Netherlands in the late 18th and early 19th centuries’- Viktor Bezotosny -State Historical Museum Moscow
Webinar ‘November- December 1813’ Recording