There have been various exhibitions about the Tartar Bashkiers and their influence on the history of our Kingdom. In 2013 there was the exhibition in the then Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis: ‘1813: the Netherlands liberated by the Russians!’
The exhibition ran from November 16, 2013 to May 19, 2014 and came about with loans from, among others, the State Pushkin Museum and the Glinka Museum in Moscow. There was, among other things, a portrait of the very first mayor of Wijhe, Gilles Schouten, who gave the Russian troops permission to camp at Wijhe. Schouten would remain mayor of Wijhe for more than forty years.
In the summer of 2017, the Historical Society ‘t Olster Heritage at the IJssel Info Center in Den Nul, Olst / Wijhe Municipality, also paid attention to the winter 1813 episode. Freerk Kunst and Gerard Nanninga using objects and documents that were previously on display in the Amsterdam Museum Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis. The Heerder Historical Society, Museum Schokland and the Oudheidkamer van Wijhe also donated loans.
The plan is now to make a permanent exhibition about the Shipbridge and the Bashkiers in Wijhe.